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Sunday, February 24, 2013

fun day at tin can tourists rally Brooksville fl,

                                                                 this is the start of it all

                                                   name the diner i!m on my way

 now back in 1919 when this new camping craze shindig thing started i was someones dream  5 years later i was the new kid on the block
now in 2013 thats 89 YEARS i still out shine some of you young wippersnappers tin cans
 citizen auto stage line coach to a camper boy the GRAYHOUND puppys flipping in his grave
ya but you should see the LED colored lights way cool   O an a cat on a string,,,,must be techno,,, yuppies

                                                  i don,t need dam chocks my hose is all i need

                                                            home is were i drop my hat    
                                                  here turkey lurkey
                                             bite me long nose i know how long your leash is,, and your leaving town                      
                                                                                                                                          in 2 day!s
                                                                             side i!m the MASCOT of this here park
              Yo santa no more photos

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