Well someone needs to light a fire under the banks ass so they give up the $$$ now
So we're stuck on there game plan
So when in limbo go have fun
So we took the 5er and went to the Tampa RV Show
12$ to park and 20$ over night 10$ to get in for 2 days
(Did I say Days Inn is 59.99$$ with heat and free food in the AM)
It's cold tonight like 58 Ok stop Laughing tant funny mcgee
It must be coming from Tham snowbirds sucking it
Down from up North. With there fat MH
Now In the show
So far I'm up to 12 million in toys I need to buy
But the DW told me to cool my wheels
So I signed up for one year of Coach-Net for 80$ out of my pocket
It's something i hope i never need to use
Good night
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